Performance Squad

Started on January 19, 2025Monday to Friday at 4:00pm-6:00pm, Tuesday and Thursday at 5:30am-7:30am and Saturday at 6:00am-8:00am

Swimmers in this level are mastering all strokes and greater proficiency in advanced drills, turns, dives and getting ready to compete at a State and/or National level.

Places are offered to athletes who have identified swimming as their main sport and who display a good work ethic.

Dry land and weight gym sessions are introduced during the season

  • 4 sessions per week minimum

  • Swimmers must be members of the TAS Swimming Club

  • 2 hours session

  • Required Equipment: Kickboard, Pull buoy, Paddles, short fins, Snorkel, skipping rope.

  • As part of the program additional dry land and gym sessions may take place (as determined by the Head Coach) for children over 12 years of age who are members of the TAS Swimming Club
  • Invoiced per quarter- $540